
Our excursion in Belize took us down the Belize River in a jet boat.

Our captain steered over to the bank and his first mate caught a baby alligator right after a 7-ft gator slid into the water from that very bank. Mama?  We each took turns holding the baby gator.  (On our return trip, he released the baby on the same bank. No way I would have stepped on that riverbank after gator-napping!)

Besides the gators, we saw a huge termite nest in a tree, many birds and iguanas.

After a brief water break and restroom stop, the second leg of our excursion began.  – A Jeep Caravan through towns and backroads. We rode four to a jeep.  The other couple riding with us were young enough to be our kids, so we let him drive.  He offered to take turns but seemed thrilled that we were glad to be along for the ride.  Contrary to a few other jeeps, we never got stuck.

These jeeps had seen better days, but that just added to the excitement.

We stopped for lunch and had some time to walk across a suspension bridge and explore.

We toured an “Above Ground Cave.”

Complete with bats!

Some of the passageways were narrow or short or both.

This was an absolutely great excursion sponsored by the ship.

Our traveling friends opted out of this tour and took a taxi tour with a local couple.  They really enjoyed their experience too.

If I ever return to Belize……

I think I would like to see the Altun Ha Mayan ruins. Or perhaps see the Big Blue Hole  I’m ready to go again.   You betta’ Belize it!!!


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