Port Hedland, Australia

Iron-ore manufacturing is a major industry in Port Hedland, and as we docked it was evident.  The ship extended the gangway so that it rested on top of the green shipping container.  Then passengers walked off the ship, crossed the top of the shipping container, and descended the ramp.  The port terminal consisted of  two little temporary tents!  City buses and motor coaches acted as shuttles to take passengers to a drop-off point in town as no one was allowed to walk through the industrial port.
We chose a ship’s excursion for a tour of BHP Billiton, an iron-ore manufacturing facility.  Continue reading “Port Hedland, Australia”

Bali, Indonesia

We left the continent of Australia to make one stop in Indonesia.  I booked an independent taxi tour with Wayan Wijana at “Mybalicharm” after reading many good reviews on Tripadvisor.

Wayan maneuvered through the heavy traffic, Continue reading “Bali, Indonesia”