Caesarea Philippi

Caesarea Philippi is noted as the city where Jesus asked Peter, “Who do men say that I am?”  The area is now called Banias, but it was once also known by the Greco-Roman name Panaes, named after the Greek god, Pan.  Pan was believed to be a god whose lower half looked like a goat while his upper half looked like an ugly man with horns on his head. The myth says that Pan liked to frighten women by sneaking up on them as they were bathing in the springs. This is where we get our word, “Panic.” Continue reading “Caesarea Philippi”

Tiberius and Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is technically a lake and is also known as Lake Tiberius. Jesus performed many miracles here, and this is the first stop on our tour of Israel where the focus was off ancient Old Testament history and shifted to the time of Jesus.

We stayed at Ron Beach Hotel – Tiberius.

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