Crossing the Equator

There is a long-standing tradition observed in the Navy when a sailor crosses the Equator for the first time. King Neptune (the most high-ranking or seasoned member of the crew) is welcomed aboard and charges many of the pollywogs (those who have not crossed the equator before) with crimes on the ship.  For those crimes, the pollywogs are given punishments to perform for the rest of the crew. Now, those sailors are forever “shellbacks” rather than pollywogs. Continue reading “Crossing the Equator”

Callao / Lima, Peru

Ships dock at a commercial cruise port in a rather dangerous part of town in Callao.  No foot traffic is allowed in the port area, so the ship provided shuttle buses from the ship to the port exit.

Near the exit, but still inside the port area is a chapel, and a little market with free wifi.

This was a great find as we overnighted at this port and could plan to spend some time each day sipping a Coke from the market and checking emails, etc. Continue reading “Callao / Lima, Peru”

San Martin, Peru

This was the most desolate cruise port I have ever seen!  A few vendors were set up at the pier, and motor coaches were waiting to shuttle passengers for excursions. That was it!

So the choices were to: 1. Book an excursion, 2. Take the shuttle to Paracas, or 3. shop for 10 minutes and get back on the ship. We paid to take the motor coach shuttle into Paracas, and so glad we did, as Paracas is the gateway to the Ballestas Islands. Continue reading “San Martin, Peru”