Civitavecchia, Italy

Civitavecchia is the port city nearest Rome.  Since we spent several days in Rome prior to a cruise back in 2012, we decided to explore this city.

Upon exiting the terminal, we found clear directional signage and a sign listing prices for the shuttle.

A tourist stand offered  a handy map of the city.

There were vendors selling tours as folks exited, so we said a polite, “Thank-you, no,” several times and took off on foot.

We happened on a beautiful church to visit,

with amazing sculptured doors  and stained glass windows. We found the Fort of Michelangelo,

a public beach area,

views of the port and ships of all sizes,

and major stores. We found a small shop with tables and chairs offering wifi with purchase. So we ordered our soft drinks and caught up on email before heading back to the ship.

I expected Civitavecchia to be a dirty, port city, but I was pleasantly surprised; however, if someone has never been to Rome, I would recommend an all-day tour to see as much as humanly possible. Rome is 90 minutes away from the port, so it would be a long, exhausting day, but one worth the fatigue.

Next port:  Livorno, Italy for the city of Florence.