Crossing the Equator

There is a long-standing tradition observed in the Navy when a sailor crosses the Equator for the first time. King Neptune (the most high-ranking or seasoned member of the crew) is welcomed aboard and charges many of the pollywogs (those who have not crossed the equator before) with crimes on the ship.  For those crimes, the pollywogs are given punishments to perform for the rest of the crew. Now, those sailors are forever “shellbacks” rather than pollywogs.

Our cruise ship had a similar ceremony.

King Neptune and Queen Aphrodite (visiting entertainers who were onboard) were welcomed by the Captain.

King Neptune called forth cruisers (who had volunteered earlier) to hear a charge read against them.

One couple was charged with Public Display of Affection. They were egged and covered in jello and shaving cream.

Another man was charged with gluttony.  The entertainment staff performed “surgery” on the man

and removed all the food he had eaten that day.

There were other crimes and punishments, too, and all of the punishments ended with a requirement to kiss a fish.

Then the fish was displayed on the main deck and all cruisers were welcomed to kiss the fish to signify that they had officially crossed the Equator and were no longer a pollywog. Of course, I wanted my turn. Hubby was happy to take my picture rather than to kiss the fish.

The Golden Princess awarded certificates to all passengers with the date of our equator crossing. Pretty special.

I wonder what happens when crossing the International Date Line on a cruise ship? I guess I need to plan another cruise and find out.

Next port: Puntarenas, Costa Rica.


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