Fort Myers, Florida
Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were both amazing inventors and businessman, but I never realized they were good friends.
Walking through Edison’s lab allows a view of his office, original machine shop,
Dark room, and chemical processing area.
Edison purchased land in Fort Myers to build a winter estate. There is a guest house connected to the main house by a pergola. Many famous people visited Mr Edison including President Hoover, Harvey Firestone, and Henry Ford.
Who would not want to come and enjoy this view?
Edison enjoyed Ford’s company so much that when the house next door became available for sale, he encouraged Ford to purchase it.
Some of Ford’s cars are on display on the grounds and in the museum.
The botanical gardens surrounding the property are amazing. Labels identify each species, and in many cases, a description is also given regarding the plant’s use.
Many banyan trees were planted in Edison’s quest to find an alternate source for rubber. In case of war, Edison did not want the United States to be dependent upon a foreign source source for Rubber.
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