Ein Gedi

Ein Gedi was a Biblical hideout location for David and his followers when David fled from King Saul. Today there is a modern entrance and great signage. King Saul would have appreciated that I’m sure!This nature reserve has many hiking trails.

Our group followed an easy path….…passed large, cave-dotted hills….

…toward a waterfall.Our guide explained that there have been many dams erected beyond Ein Gedi which have seriously affected the vegetation and waterfalls here.  At the time of David, this area would have been a more lush oasis, and the many caves would provide a perfect hideout.  Hide and Seek would certainly be difficult here.

We only had time for one short hike.  I would have liked to have seen inside one of the caves if only just to imagine again the story of David’s peaceful confrontation with King Saul.  But, our itinerary for the day was packed, and we had a tour of Qumran with a lunch time scheduled, so away we went.

Next post, Qumran.  Coming soon.