Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb is located outside the old city gates of Jerusalem.  In fact, we could have easily walked to it as it is located between the Olive Tree Hotel and the gates to the city.

First, we sat on some elevated stone “bleachers” as a guide from the Garden Tomb explained what we would be seeing.  From here, we could view the hill believed to be Golgotha, or “Place of the Skull.”Erosion over time has effected the rocks that we see today, but a photo is on display showing a picture from several years ago.  If you look closely, you can imagine a skull, especially the eye sockets.  I would imagine that this was even more prominent 2000 years ago and from a distance.  It would have been a gruesome sight to see a crucifixion much less above rocks that look like a skull.

The grounds contain a tomb, a wine press, and many areas provided for the purpose of group worship.  This was a deeply meaningful visit for me.

Our next stop: The Great Synagogue – a modern synagogue being used today.