I Like to Be Right

I guess everyone likes to be right!  I’m not talking about winning an argument.  If I am giving someone some information, I want to be as accurate as possible.

Since creating some of my earlier posts regarding my trip to Israel, I have since learned some things thanks to some better research, and I fixed some facts thanks to a good friend who knows more history – especially Biblical history – than I do.

I have gone back and revised my posts of Tel Dan, Bet She’an,  and Via Dolorosa.

For Tel Dan – I found out that the plaques about Boaz on the old city walls were there to show that Boaz would have met with the elders at city gates like these. I had stated that Boaz met the elders at these gates. But Boaz was from Bethlehem.  

In Bet She’an, I changed the post to Beth Shean because that is the spelling we see more commonly in the Bible. I also added the fact that Beth Shean is actually the mound, and THAT was the location of the Old Testament account where the bodies of Saul and Jonathan would have been hung. The ruins in front of the mound are from the 1st century and this would have been the only city of the Decapolis west of the Jordan.

For the VIa Dolorosa, I added an extra photo depicting the rock of the cross which was the final station of that route.

Hopefully, this will help to make thinks a little clearer and a lot more correct!