Whew! 2020 and 2021 definitely created new adventures – but not necessarily the ones we had planned.
But now I am ready to go, go, go!
Bobble-head Shirley (and the real Shirley) are ready for some new Journeys.

For the first year of the shutdown, my biggest adventures were donning my mask and going to the grocery – trying to find items that were out of stock and to working hard to avoid covid cooties!
Then I started a new adventure – learning how to create YouTube Videos. As a Sunday School Teacher, I quickly realized that a lot of churches were posting worship services online, but there were very few “Sunday School” Bible Classes online for children, so I started Bible Time with Mrs. Shirley and posted children’s videos on the Walter Hill Church of Christ Youtube site until most everyone became comfortable meeting in person again.

I learned a lot about video production, but this blog and all travel posts were put on hold.
So, let me apologize in advance. I am woefully behind on some of my travel posts, so I am looking forward to rereading my travel journals, looking back and pictures and playing catch-up to include posts from the end of 2019/beginning of 2020 as well as more recent trips we took right after the cruise re-start in 2021. Then maybe I will be back on track with current travels again soon.
See you again soon, and I hope all your journeys are pleasant ones!