Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand

New Zealand is comprised of two main islands: North Island and South Island.  Our cruise itinerary included only one port on the North Island: Wellington, which is located on the southeastern coast.  After that port, we sailed between the two islands, cruising through the Marlborough Sounds as we headed west to return to Sydney.

The Marlborough Sounds have been described as a, “geological jigsaw” of islands dotting the northeastern coastline of the south island.   We were happily content to order room service and dine on our balcony while enjoying the scenery.

Photo Gallery below.

Did you see the little houses along the coastline above?  Can you imagine living so far away from civilization?

What about that house on top of the hill?  That’s an awfully steep climb for bringing groceries home!

It’s fun to imagine living in such a beautiful, remote spot.  I don’t think I could live there, but sailing by sure was nice!

This is my last post for our amazing Australia / New Zealand adventure.  If you joined the posts mid-way, you can start again in Sydney by clicking this link.