The pier was not very impressive at first glance, but it turned out to be a very busy area. You might notice a shipping barge at the far left of the photo. They were off-loading shipping containers here. Most things have to be shipped into Alaska from other areas, so this is an important port for Sitka. We also saw a float plane take off and return and smaller boats coming and going as well.

We had a slightly drizzly day off and on in Sitka. Perfect weather for my lightweight, waterproof jacket and waterproof hat. I found this guy online and booked a tour for four in his old, checkered taxi.

He took us on a drive into the Tongass National Forest identifying several plant species for us.

We stopped in downtown Sitka briefly and he told us some of the history of Sitka and pointed out areas of interest we might want to explore a little later when we had some time on our own.

Next we traveled to Fortress of the Bear. Many packaged excursions have this stop on their itinerary. Our tour did not include entrance here, but we paid the entrance fee to go in and see the bears close-up. I was glad to be in my little tour group of four rather than on either the converted school bus OR the motor coach. (Especially since we were all still encouraged to keep our distance with due to Covid at the time.) I was also glad that these pictures were made AFTER we had already toured. We beat the large crowd who arrived after we did.

These bears were orphaned as young cubs and brought here for rescue. They would not survive in the wild so they are cared for here. There are separate areas for brown bears and black bears.

We took a trail in the park to look for salmon in the river.

The salmon enter into these little inlets and hang out to spawn. It’s strange just watching them in this waiting pattern.

We weren’t able to take this other trail.

The driver offered to take us back to the ship, or we could explore the downtown business areas, the park and residential areas and ride a complimentary shuttle back to the ship. We opted to enjoy exploring and shopping. (Although I decided I didn’t really need the fur-lined bikini for sale.

In May 2024, I decided to explore a little more in hopes of finding some new things to see and do. This time I discovered Castle Hill, steet musicians, The Community Center where they offer a native cultural show, A retirement home complete with a gift shop, and a restaurant I wished I had time to try.
So much more in Sitka do do than you can experience in just one visit! Guess I will have to come back again….. I still haven’t made it to the Raptor Center.