Barcelona – Castle Montjuic

Castle Montjuic is accessible by car, by monorail from the Metro, and by convenient drop-off stop from the Hop-on-hop-off (HOHO) bus.

We chose to ride the teleferic (sky lift) to the castle from the HOHO drop off. One, it is a pretty long walk to the top for people who have already marathon-walked for the day, and two, who doesn’t like the thrill of a sky lift? Continue reading “Barcelona – Castle Montjuic”

Barcelona Day 3 – Montserrat

To beat the crowds, we booked an early access tour to Montserrat, a Catholic monastery set high atop a mountain outside of Barcelona.  Picture hundreds of stone pillars of similar but differing sizes lined up next to each other.  Stone was brought down from this area to build the cathedrals of the city.

Atop this mountain sits an amazing cathedral, monastery, and school. Continue reading “Barcelona Day 3 – Montserrat”