Wadi Qelt

Also known as the, “Valley of the Shadow of Death,” from Psalm 23, this valley is covered in darkness most of the time due to the narrow opening between two very steep cliffs.  I said many quick prayers as several members of our group walked right up to the edge of the cliff to get a closer look at the monastery below.  The terrain from our vantage point was composed of loose rock, small pebbles and some larger rocks.  In the states, there would be signs posted everywhere for people to watch their step, or caution signs not to venture close to the edge.  I kept thinking, “Will our travel insurance pay to airlift someone out of here?” Klutz as I am, I kept my distance from the edge. Continue reading “Wadi Qelt”

Barcelona Day 3 – Montserrat

To beat the crowds, we booked an early access tour to Montserrat, a Catholic monastery set high atop a mountain outside of Barcelona.  Picture hundreds of stone pillars of similar but differing sizes lined up next to each other.  Stone was brought down from this area to build the cathedrals of the city.

Atop this mountain sits an amazing cathedral, monastery, and school. Continue reading “Barcelona Day 3 – Montserrat”