Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand

New Zealand is comprised of two main islands: North Island and South Island.  Our cruise itinerary included only one port on the North Island: Wellington, which is located on the southeastern coast.  After that port, we sailed between the two islands, cruising through the Marlborough Sounds as we headed west to return to Sydney. Continue reading “Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand”

Wellington, New Zealand

The ship provided a shuttle into the city center.  Wellington is a much larger city than any other on this cruise itinerary. Our plans for today were to just walk around and see what we could see.  That turned out to be a good plan.We spent at least an hour at the Te Papa National Museum. Admission is free. 

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Akaroa, New Zealand

Akaroa was a tender port for us.  Tendering took about 25 minutes to the wharf from where we anchored.

This is the tour I was anticipating the most.  My dad was a rural mail carrier, so when I saw the Akaroa Eastern Bays Scenic Mail Run Tour, I booked immediately through Akaroaadventurecenter@ Continue reading “Akaroa, New Zealand”