Juneau, Alaska

A huge draw is the Mendenhall Glacier for the Visitor’s Center and the view of the glacier from there.

Our first trip was in 2003. The photo on the left came from my scrapbook and was taken in June of 2003. The photo on the right was taken in August of 2021 from almost the exact same spot. Notice how much the glacier has receded in those 18 years. You will also notice that the glacier is much bluer in the recent photo. Part of that is just photo quality, but google told me that you see the blue in areas that are deeper within the ice, where the glaciers calve or break apart.

What are some other great things to do in Alaska?

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Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Also known as Los Cabos, this port offers the iconic photo of the arches in the water. Cruise ships sail by this picturesque place, and smaller ship tours are available to get up close. As of 2017, there are travel advisories warning Americans of gang and drug related violence in the area.  That is such a shame.  It is a beautiful place and their honest economy relies on tourism.  I really hope the Mexican government can get these issues under control so that people will feel safer traveling to the area again,

In 2010, I visited this same port where whale watching was on the agenda.


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