Tiberius and Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is technically a lake and is also known as Lake Tiberius. Jesus performed many miracles here, and this is the first stop on our tour of Israel where the focus was off ancient Old Testament history and shifted to the time of Jesus.

We stayed at Ron Beach Hotel – Tiberius.

I neglected to take many interior photos of this hotel, but we really enjoyed our stay.  I especially appreciated the view of the grounds and the Sea of Galilee from our balcony.

We were scheduled to take a boat ride tomorrow, but our guide checked the weather forecast and rescheduled us for a nighttime sailing today instead. This was such a romantic Valentines Day ride with my hubby and 30 of our closest friends!

Boarding at dusk and being on the boat in the evening really made our group feel like we had the lake all to ourselves as night fell.  We sang, “Master the Tempest is Raging,” and imagined what it would be like to be on a boat like ours during a storm.  The cloudy evening made us empathize with the disciples who thought they were seeing a ghost when Jesus came walking out on the water toward them.  And since Jesus was not physically among us, no one attempted to walk on water like Peter did.

Tomorrow we go to Caesarea Phillipi