Valpraiso, Chile

The port of Valpraiso is 2.5 hours away from Santiago, Chile. Since we didn’t know if we would ever be back to Chili, a visit to the capital city seemed important. There is an interesting blend of Colonial and modern architecture in Santiago.

Our 30 day cruise could have been booked as two separate cruises.  Those who booked the first half only left the ship here.  Others were embarking today.  We booked a Princess all-day excursion which let us avoid the check-in/check-out crowds and allowed us to experience Santiago.  Our motor coach took us to the historic area first.  We visited the Plaza de Armas to see several monuments and listen to a local guide’s obviously biased history lesson.


Dogs roam freely in this area of Santiago.  Some become community pets, and there are volatile mixed feelings regarding feeding these dogs.  They belong to no one and everyone.  People seem to enjoy feeding them and petting them, yet no one wants to clean up after them or adopt them.


Don Pedro de Valdivia – Founder of Santiago 


Simon Bolivar – a Liberator of the people from Spanish Control


Salvador Allende Gossens – President who died during a military Coup in the 20th century. He still provokes controversy. No telling where this statue will end up.

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And this cool modern statue.


The plaza is home to the Cathedral.


The Central Post Office: Where I was able to purchase a postcard and postage from a vendor outside and mail it in a container mounted to the wall by the entrance.


We were also given time to wander around the Palace de la Real Audienca (History Museum).


Next, we went to Constitution Square to see the Presidential Palace and the impressive ceremony of the changing of the guard.

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Then, we travelled to a scenic overlook of modern Santiago from a beautiful park.

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I was able to take several photos from the motor coach:





Vegetable/Fruit Stands


And the “flower clock” on the hillside in Valpraiso.


On the way back to Valpraiso from Santiago, we witnessed a quickly spreading wildfire.  These are three views from our ship in Valpraiso’s Industrial port.   Wildfires quickly darkened the skies and caused great damage.

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If I ever return….

I am very glad to have seen Santiago, but If we are ever in the port of  Valpraiso again, I would love to tour this city.  The approaching wildfires interrupted the time we would have enjoyed looking around in this port city.

Next stop: Coquimbo, Chili




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